Easy homemade Badaam Pista Kulfi (only 5 ingredients)

Kulfi is a popular summer frozen dessert in India. It is a milk based dessert with dry fruits such as almonds, pistachios, etc. It has many flavours and variations across the world. It is easy to make and tastes good as well.
Here I have made a simple badaam-pista (almond-pistachio) version with very few ingredients that are easily found in the pantry. This recipe will make 7-8 kulfis. Sugar/Condensed milk/dryfruits/cardamom powder can be added as per one's liking. Hope you enjoy.
Tips before cooking:
  • Use full fat milk as more fat makes the kulfi creamier
  • If you do not have full fat milk then add some cream to the milk
  • Condensed milk can be substituted with sugar, though is gives a better taste and flavour than plain sugar
  • Keep flame medium low and stir in between to prevent the milk from scorching to the bottom of the pan
  • Reduce the milk to less than half the original volume as thicker mixture gives smooth and creamy kulfi
  • Allow the kulfi to set for a minmium 7-8 hrs
Happy cooking!

(I have linked a similar item as the ones I used are sold out)
Nestle MILKMAID Sweetened Condensed Milk, 400g Tin Follow me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foodstories.kt/ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/FoodstoriesKT Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foodstories.kt.5 Blog: https://foodstoriesbykt.blogspot.com/?m=1


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